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Surround Your Home with Color

Unleash your creativity and make a lasting impression with our captivating fencing and gate colors. Your dream outdoor oasis awaits!

Explore More Our Fencing & Gate Colors

Each of the COLORBOND® steel colours featured below is part of our core colour range and has been designed to reflect the natural Australian landscape and bring a renewed sense of sanctuary to your backyard. Curated with real versatility in mind, each of these COLORBOND® steel colours will work seamlessly with a range of contemporary Australian design palettes.




Shale Grey™








Dover White™




Classic Cream™






Evening Haze®










Woodland Grey®


Pale Eucalypt®




Cottage Green®






Deep Ocean®




Night Sky®


Manor Red®

The colors shown represent actual product colors as accurately as possible. However, we recommend checking your chosen color against an actual sample of the product before purchasing, as varying screens and devices may affect color tones and finishes.



Infuse Your Home with a Vibrant Array of Colors

With the versatile fencing color options offered by LATITUDE, building a new fence or replacing an old one becomes an exciting opportunity to express your style, allowing you to curate a visually appealing and harmonious exterior. We pride ourselves on being a creative contractor offering fencing and gate solutions with diverse colors that cater to every taste and style. Whether you seek a classic and sophisticated look, a vibrant and contemporary statement, or a natural and rustic charm, our color palette has it all.

Color background: Wilderness

How To Choose The Right Colour For Your Fence?


Consider the Surroundings

Take a look at the existing colors in your property's surroundings, including the colors of your house, landscaping, and neighboring properties. Your fence color should complement these elements rather than clash with them.


Test Samples

Obtain color samples and place them near your house or fence area. Observe them at different times of the day and lighting conditions to see how they will look in the actual setting.


Know your Style

Determine the style and aesthetic you want to achieve. Are you aiming for a modern, traditional, rustic, or contemporary look? Different colors can evoke different styles, so consider what fits best with your preferences.


Seek Professional Advice

If you're unsure about choosing the right color, consider consulting with a professional landscaper, designer, or color consultant who can provide valuable insights and recommendations.

Color background: Dover White

Add Colorful Beauty to Your Home

Step into a world of boundless creativity as you explore our exquisite collection of fencing and gate colours.

Discover the durability and longevity of our premium materials that guarantee a fence and gate that not only impress on the day of installation but continue to stand out year after year.

Color background: Ironstones



The Most Popular Colours



Wilderness colorbond.jpg

Cottage Green®

colorbond fence-min.png

Classic Cream™

Vertical Aluminum slats.png

Deep Ocean®


Shale Grey™

aluminium fencing cost-min.png

Night Sky®



| Our Projects |
Planning For Your New Fence. More inspiration.

Each fencing & gates are custom designed for each of our customers. We offer a free bespoke design service if you can't find a design to suit your specific requirements in our collection. Simpler, send us an image of the gate you like, and we'll do our best to make it for you!

Let's Discuss 
Your Next Project

Latitude Fencing & Gates can devise a solution that meets Melbourne's residential or commercial fence requirements.

To book a quote for your fencing project, just head to our Online Quote form and one of our franchisees will be in contact with you as soon as possible.

Thanks for submitting!

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